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Global change and mega-fires

Global change and mega-fires

26.Apr - 26. Apr, 2023 Cod. W04-23

Zer egin dezakegu handitzen ari den baso-sute arriskuari aurre egiteko?.

Inazio Martínez de Arano


Wildfires are becoming a major environmental, economic and social threat. In Europe, about 2% of all fires result in over 80% of the extent burnt, while even fewer extreme fires resulted in unprecedented numbers of lives lost, health consequences and property damage, as witnessed in Portugal, Greece, and, globally in USA, Australia.

Global change, exacerbates the root drivers of extreme fires, such as more frequent compound extreme weather events, longer fire seasons, bigger, dryer and more continuous fuel loads and increased wildland-urban interface. As a results, risk prone areas are expanding, exposing new ecosystems and communities, challenging current knowledge on fire behaviour contributing to a multi-risk environment where impacts are hard to predict.

These extreme wildfire events can easily overcome best available suppression capacities due to their biophysical characteristics (size, intensity, rate of spread, erratic behaviour) although less extreme fires can produce extreme impacts (ecological, socio-economic, human lives) in new fire prone, less risk- aware and prepared areas.

As a consequence, the limits of fire suppression-centred strategies have become evident, even in technologically well-equipped countries, due to their limited effectiveness when facing extreme fires and their high costs. Practitioners, researchers and policymakers increasingly recognise the need to develop novel, integrated approaches that shift the proactive emphasis to the root causes of extreme fires and their impacts moving from a more basic resilience focusing on reducing impacts and recovery, to pre-disaster conditions, to longer term adaptative approaches. What his mean in practice for Euskadi will be discussed.

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17:45 - 18:00

Erregistroa / Registro

18:00 - 18:45

“Aldaketa Globala eta mega-suteak “

  • Inazio Martinez

Guillermo Roa kazetariak hizlariarekin elkarrizketa izango du hitzaldia amaitutakoan


Inazio Martinez

License in Biology from the UPV/EHU, Master's Degree in Forestry Sciences from the Austral University of Chile and specialist in Land Management from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. She has been working for the European Forest Institute since 2013. He currently coordinates the Bioregions Facility, dedicated to promoting a sustainable transition at regional scale through the valorisation of forest resources and their ecosystem services. Previously he has been director of the EFI Mediterranean office where he promoted a line of work focused on understanding and overcoming barriers to innovation in forest management and its different value chains, as well as the achievement of resilient territories to global change and forest fires in particular. Previously, he worked for the Union of South European Foresters on the analysis of European forestry policy and the challenges of implementation in the European Atlantic Arc. Between 2000 and 2008 he was a researcher at NEIKER, focusing on aspects related to the sustainability of pine stands in the Basque Country and specifically, soil fertility conservation. In his spare time he collaborates with the ERROTUZ association.


Miramar Palace

Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián



Miramar Palace

Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián


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