
The UPV/EHU Summer Course Foundation unveils the Ricardo Echepare lectures and venue

  • International experts will give lectures on knowledge transfer and the social impact of scientific and technological research.
  • The Basque Government's Ministry of Education and the UPV/EHU Summer Course Foundation have signed the framework agreement to organise the summer courses.

The Rector of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Eva Ferreira; the Basque Government's Minister for Education, Jokin Bildarratz; the Mayor of San Sebastián, Eneko Goia; the Vice-Rector of the UPV/EHU's Gipuzkoa Campus, Agustín Erkizia; and the Summer Course Academic Director, Itziar Alkorta, have today presented the Ricardo Echepare initiative at the Miramar Palace. 

The long professional career of Ricardo Echepare Zugasti (Irún, 1942-2021) was fundamentally linked to the UPV/EHU. He was director of the UPV/EHU Summer Courses and of the San Sebastián School of Industrial Technical Engineering (EUITI). In the early 1980s, he was the driving force behind the UPV/EHU Summer Courses, as he was convinced that they would allow closer ties to be established between the newly created university and Basque society; he successfully made them a fixture on the schedule for leading academics, intellectuals, artists and politicians of that time.

Eva Ferreira, the UPV/EHU rector, recalled that “Ricardo Echepare had an unerring instinct when it came to choosing themes and individuals of social interest, along with an excellent ability to deal with problems and manage teams, proof of which is his career.  Along with recognising his contribution through this initiative, we are launching a series of special lectures to disseminate knowledge with the aim of pursuing Echepare's vocation and his true spirit.

The Basque Minister of Education, Jokin Bildarratz, sought to highlight Ricardo Echepare's commitment to education and the spread of knowledge, and announced that that will be at the heart of the Echepare lectures. The lectures will address themes such as knowledge transfer and the social impact of scientific and technological research on higher education overall; they will also consider areas related to engineering dual training and first-rate university management, to name a few.

The Mayor of San Sebastián, Eneko Goia, stressed Echepare's vision and contribution that led to San Sebastián now being an international benchmark in science, innovation and knowledge. The Royal Dining Room of the Miramar Palace will now be noted for hosting the Ricardo Echepare lectures.

The series of lectures to honour Ricardo Echepare will start in mid-September and will bring this year's UPV/EHU Summer Courses to a close.

The Basque Government's Ministry of Education and the UPV/EHU Summer Course Foundation ratify the partnership agreement

The UPV/EHU Summer Courses are a strategic commitment for the Basque Ministry of Education and it has been actively involved in the initiative for 43 years. The Ministry considers the courses as an educational opportunity to further and disseminate knowledge, with the aim of Basque citizens having a meeting space to discuss and foster critical thought around an ever-changing society. 

The Basque Minister of Education made clear the importance of the project for the Basque Government. As a member of the Summer Course Organising Committee, the Basque Ministry of Education – through the Universities and Research Office or the entity in its place responsible for universities – helps to prepare each year's general programme.  Along with current cycles and lines, the programme includes activities to promote and disseminate science and technology in society, in line with the ministry's STEAM Euskadi strategy.  Its goals are to promote scientific and technological education and training in every stage of education, inspire vocation and professional aspirations in this field, and foster dissemination and the science and technological culture among Basque citizens.

Furthermore, the Basque Ministry of Education, in conjunction with the Summer Course Foundation, promotes the "Aprender Para Enseñar" [Learning to Teach] and Presta Gara lifelong learning programmes for non-university teachers.  

The UPV/EHU Rector thanked the Ministry of Education for its ongoing commitment to the Summer Courses; she went on to stress the social impact of the Aprender Para Enseñar and Prest Gara programmes on education professionals.

Specific programmes for education professionals

Seventeen courses will be run as part of the Aprender Para Enseñar and Prest Gara programmes this year. From 6 June to 21 September, education professionals will find an extensive offering to refresh their expertise this summer.  They can choose different themes within the courses on offer.  For example, they will consider the basic aspects of STEAM teaching; analyse the impact of the youth digital culture; address creative techniques – theatre, literary education; discuss subjects with great sensitivity – sex education, traumas, suicide, pedagogy of death –; along with discussing dyslexia and linguistic disorders, among others.   The training programme is available at the following link:

The enrolment will remain open until the courses are held so that any professional who so wishes can sign up to the programmes.

Enrolment open for the Summer Course

The programme includes nearly 200 activities and will run from mid-June to the end of September. The majority will be held in Donostia/San Sebastián, Bilbao, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Bayonne; beyond the cities, the activities will also involve Arantzazu, Azpeitia, Balmaseda, Beasain, Bermeo, Gernika, Hondarribia, Lesaka, Ordizia, Plentzia and Zaldibia.

The summer courses will address the main challenges of the day. The offering has been structured by strategic cycles; particularly noteworthy are the courses linked to Culture and Art, along with those on Society, Education, Science & Technology, Health, Law, and Economy & Business.

Our era could not be understood without special mention of artificial intelligence and sustainability. Both are essential factors that are influencing every area; they will play an important role in this year's Summer Courses, as can be seen from the programme.

Itziar Alkorta, Academic Director of the UPV/EHU Summer Courses, announced that “the enrolment period for the Summer Courses is open and there are special discounts for different social groups. For example, there is a special price for the under 25s.  They can register for €25 a course, provided they sign up before 31 May".