Educating in nature, discovering spring
<p> The course "Naturan hezi, lore garaian" has just ended. On it, 40 members of the education community were able to find out about some of the keys to opening up schools to nature. </p>

As Maialen Lujanbio said, we live "in a time when all birds are bird, all trees are tree and all insects are insect." And also a time when all flowers are simply flower. The goal of this course was precisely to expand knowledge among the education community of the nature that surrounds us. To this end, on the first days several sessions were run to find out about the biodiversity and ecosystems around us with different experts from the Basque Country.
But that's not all. Aware of the advantages of opening up schools to nature, due to the pandemic and other reasons, many schools have opened their doors to spring in different parts of the Basque Country. However, we are often in doubt because we do not know enough about nature, because we do not know what to do or because we become afraid when children play in this kind of setting. And to clear up these doubts, some key information was provided to understand just what is going on in nature.
In the conviction that an education community that grows and learns in close contact with its environment will be committed to a more sustainable future, the 40 professionals taking part ended the course by creating a project to be carried out back where they live, so that in the future they will be able to use the woods and natural settings in and around Donostia-San Sebastián, Ataun, Zaldibia, Tolosa, Otxandio, Irun, Barakaldo, Alsasua, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Portugalete, Urdaibai, Urruña, Lezo, Arantza, Ormaiztegi, Ereñozu and many other places to teach children and young people in accordance with this model of educating in nature.