Empresas y Derechos Humanos: del Derecho Internacional a los planes nacionales

18.Jul - 19. Jul, 2024 Cod. D17-24


The approval of the United Nations Guiding Principles has given rise to the development of numerous legislative initiatives, actions and action plans, both at the national and European levels, which have progressively incorporated the concept of due diligence aimed at measuring and preventing impacts. of business activities on Human Rights; with the objective of incorporating respect for Human Rights in business conduct for all companies regardless of where they carry out their activities.

In this direction, the National Plans are aimed at converting the commitment acquired by the States in order to protect Human Rights into real and effective compliance, establishing concrete actions, which should be direct and constructive.

Currently, 13 States of the European Union have National Plans: Spain. Ireland, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, Slovenia, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Sweden and Finland. Portugal has started the process, but has not yet approved it. In addition to the European countries, the United Kingdom, Norway and Switzerland have National Business and Human Rights Plans. Ukraine had a plan before the War.

The Spanish State approved its Plan in 2017, which ended in 2020. and is now awaiting the Draft Due Diligence Directive to begin the Work of its Second Plan.

In addition, it is very important to take into account the legislative and regulatory context made up of the Action Plans and Measures for the protection of Human Rights at the level of the Member States, the role of the EU must be taken into account insofar as the European initiatives in general and the Proposed Directive in particular should serve as a roadmap.

In this context, Globernance has prepared the draft of the Basque Business and Human Rights Plan on behalf of the Department of Peace, Memory and Justice of the Basque Government. The perspective that has marked the development of the work is twofold and is subject to both increasing the role of the company as a social agent, taking into account the impact or potential impact that its activities have on Human Rights in the environment in which it operates. They develop from an ad intra perspective at all levels (social, environmental...), as well as, on the other hand, at an ad extra level taking into account the potential impact that the foreign activity of Basque companies has.

In this way, it is important that the measures that the Plan will adopt are aimed at promoting and encouraging the role of the company both outside and within the Basque Country and, therefore, at promoting behavior that respects Human Rights as a business policy with regardless of where business activities are carried out.

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Poner en comun con especialistas en materia de Empresa y Derechos Humanos, Instituciones y empresas las nuevas y viejas iniciativas internacionales, europeas y autonómicas, en torno a la diligencia debida y la Empresa y los Derechos Humanos.

Activity directed to

  • University student
  • Professionals

In collaboration with

  • Eusko Jaurlaritza-Gobierno Vasco (Departamento de Derechos Humanos , Memoria y cooperación)



09:00 - 09:15

Registro / Erregistroa

09:15 - 10:30

Institutional Opening session. Speaking order:

    Presentacion del Curso

    • Nerea Magallón Elósegui | UPV/EHU - Investigadora Ramón y Cajal
    • Mikel Mancisidor de la Fuente | Universidad de Deusto - Jurista y doctor en Relaciones Internacionales y Diplomacia

    Apertura Institucional

    • Representante Gobierno Vasco / Eusko jaurlaritza
    09:30 - 10:30

    “Conferencia de apertura: El Libro Verde de la RSC de la Comisión Europea y los derechos humanos en la empresa desde una perspectiva de género“

    • Maria Elósegui Ichaso | Tribunal de Derechos Humanos - Jueza
    10:30 - 12:00

    Round table: “Panel I: Empresa y Derechos Humanos: contextualización y tendencias normativas“

    • Nerea Magallón Elósegui | UPV/EHU - Investigadora Ramón y Cajal (Moderator)

    Instrumentos de diligencia debida en materia de Derechos Humanos y medioambiente en el marco del ecosistema regulatorio de la UE sobre sostenibilidad

    • Carmen Marquez Carrasco | Universidad de Sevilla - Catedrática de Derecho Internacional Público

    La Directiva europea sobre diigencia debida y sostenibilidad

    • Juan José Álvarez Rubio | UPV/EHU - Catedrático de Derecho Internacional Privado
    12:00 - 12:30

    Pausa café

    12:30 - 14:00

    Round table: “Panel II: Derechos Humanos y Empresas a nivel autonómico“

    • Unai Belintxon Martín | Universidad Pública de Navarra (Moderator)

    Los intentos de elaborar una política pública de empresas y derechos Humanos en Catalunya

    • Antoni Pigrau Solé | Rovira i Virgil - Catedrático Derecho Internacional Público

    Las autoridades estatales/regionales para la supervisión de las prácticas empresariales

    • Chiara Marullo | Jaume I, Castellon - Contratada Doctora

    La iniciativa vasca

    • Nerea Magallón Elósegui | UPV/EHU - Investigadora Ramón y Cajal
    16:30 - 18:30

    Round table: “Panel III: Semejanzas y diferencias de los Planes Nacionales: elementos técnicos de mejora“

    • José Luis Iriarte Ángel | Universidad de Navarra - Catedrático de Derecho Internacional Privado (Moderator)

    Enpresak eta giza eskubideak atzerriko inbertsioen zuzenbidearen testuinguruan: arau-esparru berrituetara igarotzeko beharra-Empresas y derechos humanos en el contexto del Derecho de las inversiones extranjeras: la necesaria transición hacia marcos normativos renovados

    • iñigo Iruretagoiena Agirrezabalaga | UPV/EHU

    El Grupo de Trabajo sobre Empresa y Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas como impulsor de los Principios Rectores

    • Fernanda Hopenhaym Cabrera | Grupo Trabajo Empresa y Derechos Humanos NU - Representante

    Luces y sombras en la implantación de los Planes Nacionales

    • Alberto Jimenez Piernas | Asesor Empresa y Derechos Humanos - Doctor en Derecho Europeo Universidad de Bolonia


    10:00 - 11:30

    Round table: “Panel I: El papel de la empresa como motor de desarrollo social“

    • Juan José Álvarez Rubio | UPV/EHU - Catedrático de Derecho Internacional Privado (Moderator)
    • Isabel Busto | Adegi - Presidenta
    • Carolina Perez Toledo | CEBEK - Confederacion Empresarial de Bizkaia - Presidenta
    11:30 - 12:00

    Pausa café

    12:00 - 13:00

    “Conferencia de Clausura: Propuestas de mejora y tendencias de futuro en materia de Empresa y Derechos Humanos“

    • Mariano Aguirre Ernst | Naciones Unidas - Director general de migraciones
    13:00 - 13:30

    Closing session

      Clausura del curso

      • Nerea Magallón Elósegui | UPV/EHU - Investigadora Ramón y Cajal


      Nerea Magallón Elósegui

      Universidad del Pais Vasco

      Graduated in Law in 1998, I began my university career with a research grant from the Guipuzcoa Provincial research grant from the Diputación de Guipúzcoa. I obtained my DEA with honours at the University of the Basque Country (2000). the University of the Basque Country (2000), I wrote my doctoral thesis for which I was awarded the Extraordinary I was awarded the Extraordinary Doctorate Prize (2006). I finished the thesis during a stay at the Max Planck Institut, Für Ausländisches Und Nternationales in Hamburg. In 2006 I was awarded a two-year Postdoctoral Fellowship (2006-2008) at the Dr. Gioja Institute, Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg, Germany. of the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires and at L'Ecole doctorale de Droit international, Droit européen, relations internationales et Droit comparé of the University Panthéon Assas, Paris, where I actively participated as a guest lecturer in teaching and research activities. teaching and research activities. In 2009 I joined the University of Santiago de Compostela with a fellowship as a Researcher as a researcher attached to the research grant programme of the Xunta de Galicia, Ángeles Alvariño. Xunta de Galicia, Ángeles Alvariño, and then with a Juan de la Cierv

      Mikel Mancisidor de la Fuente

      Universidad de Deusto

      Mikel Mancisidor has a degree in Law and is doctor in International Relations and Diplomacy (DIR GSD) and doctor in History (Universidad de Deusto). He has been Rapporteur of the General Comment on Science and Human Rights of the UN Committee on ESCR (he has been a member of this committee since 2013). He has taught International Law and International Human Rights Law at Deusto, American University and Institute René Cassin. He was awarded the Gold Medal of Rights 2013 and the Eusko Ikaskuntza - Caja Laboral Humanities Award 2020.


      Mariano Aguirre Ernst

      Juan José Álvarez Rubio

      UPV/EHU, Catedrático Derecho internacional privado

      Juan José Álvarez Rubio is Professor of Private International Law at the UPV / EHU and co-founder and Secretary of GLOBERNANCE (Institute for Democratic Governance). He was Secretary General of the Basque Council of the European Movement (EUROBASK / CVME) (May 2003-2012) and currently continues to exercise his function as an expert for the EUROPEAN COMMISSION (General Directorate of Justice, Freedom and Security), on December 17, 2007, for the areas of Civil Justice, borders, protection of personal data and security areas. His lines of research focus on Migration Law and Private International Law, Maritime Law, International Trade Law and Human Rights, European Law and areas related to internal conflicts. He is the author of numerous scientific publications and leads the UPV / EHU's consolidated group of international law as IP. In 2015 he received the Eusko-ikaskuntza-Laboral Kutxa Award for Humanities, Culture, Arts and Social Sciences.

      Unai Belintxon Martín

      Isabel Busto

      Maria Elósegui Ichaso

      Representante Gobierno Vasco / Eusko jaurlaritza

      Fernanda Hopenhaym Cabrera

      UN Working Group on business and human rights

      Fernanda Hopenhaym is the chairof the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights and co-executive director of the Project on Organizing, Development, Education and Research Project (PODER), a Latin American organisation dedicated to corporate accountability. She has participated in processes related to the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles and other processes related to relevant instruments, such as the Binding Treaty negotiations and due diligence laws. She has conducted research on cases related to the impact of business on human rights and the environment, worked with local communities affected by public/private projects and accompanied them in their quest for justice and remedy. She has conducted global advocacy to advance corporate accountability and human rights, and led training and capacity building on business and human rights issues. She is the former chair of the Board of ESCRNet and is currently a board member of EarthRights International, SOMO and All Out, and an advisor to the Business and Human Rights Award Foundation.

      José Luis Iriarte Ángel

      iñigo Iruretagoiena Agirrezabalaga

      Alberto Jimenez Piernas

      Carmen Marquez Carrasco

      Chiara Marullo

      Carolina Perez Toledo

      Antoni Pigrau Solé

      Registration fees

      Face-to-faceUntil 31-05-2024Until 18-07-2024
      25,00 EUR59,00 EUR
      - 84,00 EUR
      - 71,00 EUR
      - 59,00 EUR


      Miramar Palace

      Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián



      Miramar Palace

      Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián


      Sustainable development goals

      Agenda 2030 is the new international development agenda approved in September 2015 by the United Nations. This agenda aims to be an instrument to favour sustainable human development all over the planet, and its main pillars are the eradication of poverty, a reduction in equality and vulnerability and fostering sustainability. It is a unique opportunity to transform the world up to 2030 and guarantee human rights for all.

      Sustainable development goals

      8 - Decent work and economic growth

      Foster sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for everyone. Key issues: decent work, full and productive employment, entrepreneurship, fostering micro-companies and SMEs, employment rights, safe working environments, youth employment, equal opportunities and pay, strengthening of financial institutions, and breaking the link between economic growth and the degradation of the environment.

      More information
      8. Decent work and economic growth

      10 - Reduced inequalities

      Reduce inequality in countries and between them. Key issues: promotion of the social, economic and political inclusion of all people, equal opportunities, fiscal, wage and social protection policies to favour equality, migration and the policies that affect it, official assistance for the development, regulation and supervision of world institutions and markets.

      More information
      10. Reduction of inequality

      16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions

      Foster peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, facilitate access to justice for everyone and construct efficient and inclusive institutions that are accountable at all levels. Key issues: a reduction in violence, mistreatment and exploitation, the rule of law, equal access to justice, a reduction in corruption and bribery, efficient and transparent institutions, participation, access to information, protection of fundamental freedoms.

      More information
      16. Peace, justice and solid institutions

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