Science et technologie
Quantum Phenomena in 2D Matter (QP2DM)

Quantum Phenomena in 2D Matter (QP2DM)

17.Juil - 21. Juil, 2023 Cod. Z14-23


Modern theoretical, experimental, and applied physics of two-dimensional (2D) systems explore and employ the great richness of their quantum properties. These properties are probed by various experimental techniques, such as charge, spin, exciton, and heat transport, optical, microwave, and scanning-probe spectroscopies, photoresistance, etc. Over the recent years, the available variety of 2D systems has grown dramatically and include various semiconductor and oxide heterostructures, atomically thin layers (or bi-layers) of graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides, and their heterostructures. Some of the most celebrated phenomena realized in these 2D systems are quantum Hall effects, Wigner crystals, stripes and bubble phases, and excitonic Bose condensates. More exotic phenomena are expected to emerge as the quality of the 2D systems and experimental tools are improved, which is and ongoing process.


  • Michael Zudov (University of Minnesota, USA)
  • Evgeny Sherman   (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Ikerbasque)
  • Vitaly Golovach  (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Ikerbasque)              
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The aim of this workshop is to bring together leading experts and the researches at the beginning of their careers in the field of quantum physics of 2D matter for presentation and discussion of their recent results and ongoing developments. Exchange of ideas and expectations of the future progress in the field will help its development in next several years.

Activité s'adressant à

  • Étudiants universitaires
  • Professionnels


  • Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC)
  • University of Minnesota
  • EHU  QC
  • Eusko Jaurlaritza Hezkuntza


Vitaly Golovach ---

Ikerbasque Research Associate, Materialen Fisika Zentroa CFM and Donostia International Physics Center


Shaffique Adam

National University of Singapore

Eva Andrei

rutgers university

Ankita Anirban

Springer Nature

Alexey Berdyugin

The University of Manchester

Deung-Jang (DJ) Choi

Centro de Física de Materiales (CSIC-UPV/EHU)

Swarup Deb Deb

Institute for Physics, University of Rostock

Lingjie Du


Rui-Rui Du

Peking University, Professor

Lloyd Engel

Yuval Gefen

Weizmann Institute

Leonid Golub Golub

Regensburg University, Germany

Alejandro Gonzalez-Tudela

Instituto de Fisica Fundamental-CSIC

Francisco Guinea López

IMDEA Nanoscience - DIPC

Adbhut Gupta Gupta

Princeton University

Bertrand Halperin Halperin

Harvard University

Alex Hamilton


Zeyu Hao

Harvard University

Masayuki Hashisaka

The University of Tokyo, Associate Professor

Harold Hwang

Maxim Ilin

Takuya Iwasaki

National Institute for Materials Science

Jainendra Jain

Penn State University

Fabian Jaroslav

Univeristy of Regensburg

Jaroslav Fabian (PhD 1997, SUNY Stony Brook) is a professor of theoretical physics at the University of Regensburg where he heads the Spintronics Group since 2004. Prior to that Jaroslav Fabian was on the faculty at the Karl-Franzens University in Graz, and a research associate in University of Maryland at College Park, and Max-Planck Institute for Complex Systems in Dresden. Research activities of Jaroslav Fabian span a wide spectrum of theoretical and computational solid state physics, but are particularly focused on the physics of 2D materials and on the field of spintronics. He is a member of Graphene Flagship, and several collaborative research initiatives. Recently, he has been excited about the art of creating novel electronic and magnetic properties by proximity effects in stacks of 2D materials.

Jelena Klinovaja

University of Basel

Piotr Kossacki

University of Warsaw

Ze Kvon

Institute of Semoconductor Physics, Novosibirsk

Mariia Labendik

Alex Levchenko

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Yang Liu

Peking University, Assistant Professor

Daniel Loss Loss

University of Basel

Allan MacDonald

University of Texas at Austin

Michael Manfra Manfra

Purdue University

Xavier Marie

INSA- Université de Toulouse

Denis Maryenko

Yigal Meir Meir

Ben Gurion University

Dmitry Miserev

University of Basel

Miguel Moreno Ugeda

Donostia International Physics Center

Markus Morgenstern

II. Insttute of Physics B


University of Geneva

Elisabetta Paladino

University of Catania

Stuart Parkin

MPI of Microstructure Physics

Loren Pfeiffer Pfeiffer

Princeton University

Leonid Ponomarenko

Lancaster University

Marek Potemski

LNCMI/CNRS-Grenoble, France

Leonid Rokhinson

Purdue University

Takashi Taniguchi


Lars Tiemann

University Hamburg

Ilya Tokatly

University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU

Klaus von Klitzing

Max Planck Institute

Chengyu Wang Wang

Princeton University

Robert Willett

Nokia Bell Labs

Maksim Savchenko Savchenko

TU Wien

Chi Zhang

Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Science, Professor

Qianhui Shi


Jun Zhu Zhu

Penn State University

Inti Sodemann Villadiego

University of Leipzig

Michael Zudov Zudov

University of Minnesota

Tarifs inscription

Registration feesjusqu'au 09-07-2023
400,00 EUR

Lieu de l'événement

Miramar Palace

Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián



Miramar Palace

Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián


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