Nature and Art at the DSF
<p> “The Rocky Coast: Geology, Ecology, Sculpture” is the title of the international symposium that arises from the new sculptural of Cristina Iglesias in the old lighthouse of the island of Santa Clara in Donostia.</p>

This symposium will be co-directed by contemporary art expert James Lingwood, director and joint founder of the art organisation Artangel, geologist and oceanographer Adolfo Uriarte, director of natural heritage and climate change for the Basque government and Manuel Soto, professor of cellular biology and vice-director of the Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology and Biotechnology (PIE Plentzia marine station, UPV/EHU).
With the participation of the author Cristina Iglesias, a select group of specialists in art, geology, oceanography and ecology will cross ideas that arise from "nature", "rock", "sea" and "art" to enter the creative universe that inspires the HONDALEA work that the artist has made on behalf of the City Council of Donostia/San Sebastián. The art work, that will be open to all citizens after the closing of the symposium, from June 5.
The academic meeting will be held on June 3 and 4 at the Aquarium. It will also feature scientific speakers like Asier Hilario, Director of the Zumaia flysch geopark, a geologist with extensive experience in geoheritage, Carlos Duarte, winner of the Frontiers of Knowledge Prize awarded by the BBVA foundation in the category of ecology and conservation biology, Penelope Curtis, expert in contemporary art, and Russell Fergusson of UCLA (University of California Los Angeles), an expert on the work of Cristina Iglesias.
The work "Hondalea" immerses us in the bowels of the bay and will complete the circle of art that surrounds La Concha, with "El Peine del Viento" by Peña Gantxegi and Eduardo Chillida, his "Homage to Fleming" and the “Construcción Vacía/ Eraikuntza Hutsa” by Jorge Oteiza.