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UN Climate Change conference (COP27): Anything new?

UN Climate Change conference (COP27): Anything new?

24.Nov - 24. Nov, 2022 Cod. W22-22

Highlights of this summit will be analysed, including the agreements adopted, progress made and pending issues from the perspective of multiple actors: academia, the public sector, and the private sector.


The city of Sharm-El-Sheikh (Egypt) has held the 27th Summit of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change from 6 to18 November. The quest to advance commitments and planning for global climate action and implementation was at the centre of the debate. At this fifth summit held on the African continent, both adaptation to climate change impacts and financing were high on the agenda.



18:00 - 18:05: Welcome

Elisa Sainz de Murieta | Lecturer and researcher at the UPV/EHU and associate researcher at BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Chang

18:05 - 18:45:  “UN Climate Change conference (COP27): Anything new?“

Panel discussion:

A summary of the main outcomes of COP27 

Teresa Solana | Spanish Climate Change Office

Global goal on adaptation

María José Sanz | BC3, Basque Centre for Climate Change, Scientific Director

El papel de los agentes no estatales y la acción climática a nivel regional y local

Heloise Chicou | Regions4 Sustainable Development

Implications for the private sector

Cristina Rivero | CEOE - Director of department of Industry, Energy, Environment and Climate.


Elisa Sainz de Murieta | Lecturer and researcher at the UPV/EHU and associate researcher at BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Chang

18:45 - 19:10: Debate and questions

19:10 - 19:15: Closing


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18:00 - 18:05

“Ongi etorria / Bienvenida“

  • Elisa Sainz de Murieta Zugadi | Profesora e investigadora de la UPV/EHU e investigadora asociada de BC3, Basque Centre for Climate Change
18:05 - 18:45

Round table: “Cumbre sobre cambio climático 2022 (COP27): ¿qué hay de nuevo?“

    Un resumen de los principales resultados de la COP27

    • Teresa Solana | Oficina Española de Cambio Climático. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico

    Global goal on adaptation

    • María José Sanz Sánchez | Directora Científica Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3)

    El papel de los agentes no estatales y la acción climática a nivel regional y local

    • Heloise Chicou | Responsable de cambio climático de Regions4

    Implicaciones para el sector privado

    • Cristina Rivero Fernandez | Directora. Departamento de Industria, Energía, Medio Ambiente y Clima

    Moderatzailea / Moderadora

    • Elisa Sainz de Murieta Zugadi | Profesora e investigadora de la UPV/EHU e investigadora asociada de BC3, Basque Centre for Climate Change
    18:45 - 19:10

    Solasaldia eta galderak / Debate y preguntas

    19:10 - 19:15

    Itxiera / Despedida y cierre


    María José Sanz Sánchez

    BC3, Basque Centre for Climate Change, Scientific Director

    Ikerbasque Professor and Scientific Director of the Basque Centre for Climate Change (2016-). She graduated at University of Valencia and post-doct in the Arizona State University. She has worked on research and research-policy at national and international level. She has also worked at Mediterranean Center for Environmental Studies (CEAM) until 2007. She was Senior Officer positions at the secretariat of the UNFCCC supporting climate change negotiations (2007-2011), and at FAO as Program Coordinator of the UNREDD Programme (2012-2015). She held the High Distinction for Scientific Merit of the Generalitat Valenciana (2019). Dr. Sanz has worked extensively on air pollution and climate change and environment issues for 30 years. She has published over 150 scientific papers, among other in Nature, Nature Climate Change and PNAS, and is recognized as an expert in land use and climate change issues. She has been an advisor to and collaborated with many national and international organizations (World Bank, UNDP, UNEP, UNFCCC secretariat, Meridian Institute, the European Commission, the Green Climate Fund and the governments of Spain), and several of its regional governments, Japan, US, and several developing country governments.

    Teresa Solana

    Spanish Climate Change Office

    Graduate in Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Madrid. She has been working at the Spanish Climate Change Office since 2007, attending as part of the Spanish delegation to the forums and meetings of the European Union and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Since 2015, she has coordinated the international affairs of the Office, as an Advisory Member of the Directorate General.

    Heloise Chicou

    Regions4 Sustainable Development

    Heloise Chicou is the Global climate advocacy and program manager for Regions4 Sustainable Development. She has over 10 years of experience working in the field of sustainable development, climate and water security and management. She has worked for the French Water Association, UNDP, Sanitation and Water for All and WaterAid, in the field of ca^city building, advocacy and international policy. Her background is in International Relations at the University of Sciences-Po Paris, University of Sussex and Salamanca.

    Elisa Sainz de Murieta Zugadi

    Lecturer and researcher at the UPV/EHU and associate researcher at BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change

    I am a researcher and lecturer in the Department of Applied Economics at the UPV/EHU, as well as an associate researcher at the BC3. I hold a PhD in Geological Sciences (UPV/EHU) and my research focuses on studying the impacts of climate change, as well as adaptation policies and measures, from a socio-economic point of view. I started my professional career in a cooperative of the Mondragon Group and then I had the opportunity to work in the public administration as Director of Biodiversity (in the Basque Government). During this stage I became aware of the importance of science to support decision-making, so at the end of this period I decided to start my path in the academic world. In 2010 I was lucky enough to join BC3 to develop my PhD thesis on the impacts associated with sea level changes on the Basque coast. I have been a visiting researcher at the London School of Economics and have worked on several international, national and local research projects.

    Cristina Rivero Fernandez

    CEOE - Director of department of Industry, Energy, Environment and Climate.

    Ha desarrollado su carrera profesional en el ámbito de la energía, el medio ambiente y el cambio climático desde la Asociación española de la industria eléctrica, participando como experta en grupos de trabajo de la Administración General del Estado y en proyectos de investigación nacionales y europeos. En el ámbito europeo destaca su colaboración como representante del sector eléctrico español en Eurelectric en temas como política ambiental, cambio climático, fiscalidad energética o herramientas de mercado para el cumplimiento de objetivos ambientales, así como sus colaboraciones con la Comisión Europea. En el ámbito internacional ha participado en programas de trabajo de la Agencia internacional de la Energía, organizaciones latinoamericanas de energía, CIER y OLADE y es observadora por el sector privado de las Conferencias de las Partes de la Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas para el Cambio Climático desde 2001. Autora de varias publicaciones relacionadas con la energía y el medio ambiente, ha impartido clases en la Universidad Complutense, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, ICADE, CUNEF y realizado presentaciones en numerosas empresas e instituciones. En la actualidad es la directora del departamento de industria, energía,


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