The Rocky Coast: Geology, Ecology, Sculpture

The Rocky Coast: Geology, Ecology, Sculpture

03.Jun - 04. Jun, 2021 Cod. K03-21


The Symposium will be held at the Aquarium in face-to-face with a limited capacity, which is already full, and it will also be possible to participate live online through ZOOM. The modality must be selected in the registration process.

In early June 2021, an extraordinary new work by the Basque artist Cristina Iglesias will open in the city of San Sebastián. Iglesias’s work has transformed a defunct an ancient and abandoned lighthouse on the rocky outcrop of the Island of Santa Clara, situated in the middle of a bay close to the city, to create a vertiginous sculptural environment. Sunk into the rock of the island, Iglesias’s work incorporates the distinctive geology and ecology of the Basque coast and the rough waters that surround the island within its absorbing form.

Over recent years, Cristina Iglesias has created new forms of public sculpture, re-imagining civic spaces and abandoned buildings through a combination of architecture, sculpture and water, notably in the historic centres of Antwerp and Toledo as well as a submerged location in Baia, California. Commissioned by the City of San Sebastián, and developed over the past five years, Iglesias’s new project on the Island of Santa Clara promises to be one of the most remarkable sculptural projects of recent years.

The public opening of the sculpture on the island on the weekend of 5/6 June 2021 will be preceded by a symposium called “The Rocky Coast - Geology, Ecology and Sculpture”, co-directed by the director and founder of Artangel anD contemporary art expert, James Lingwood, and Adolfo Uriarte; the geologist, oceanographer and Director of Natural Heritage and Climate Change of the Basque Government.

Based on the interrelated themes in Iglesias' work, the symposium will bring together a group of experts to share thought in the fields of art, literature, geology and ecology, over the course of two sessions on the afternoon of 3 June and the morning of June 4 at the Aquarium Auditorium. It can also be followed by Zoom for which a prior registration is necessary. It is a Symposium organized in collaboration with the Summer Courses of the University of the Basque Country and with the support of the BBVA Foundation. This symposium is part of the Sustainability Forum that both develop. Likewise, Ihobe and the Department of the Environment of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa collaborate in it.

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Share thinking in the fields of art, literature, geology, and ecology with experts in these disciplines.


  • Directors: James Lingwood and Adolfo Uriarte
  • Coordinator: Manuel Soto


  • Cristina Iglesias


  • Penelope Curtis
  • Carlos Duarte
  • Russell Ferguson
  • Beatriz Herraez
  • Asier Hilario Orus
  • Lisa Le Feuvre
  • Manuel Soto
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Activity directed to

  • All public


  • Ayuntamiento de Donostia / San Sebastián
  • Fundación BBVA
  • IHOBE. Departamento de Desarrollo Económico, Sostenibilidad y Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Vasco
  • Departamento de Medio Ambiente y Obras Hidráulicas. Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa
  • Aquarium de Donostia / San Sebastián
  • Artingenium


James Lingwood

Artangel, Codirector y fundador

James Lingwood, Co-Director of Artangel with Michael Morris since 1991. Amongst over 100 Artangel projects produced over the past 30 or so years are Rachel Whiteread’s House (1993-94), Matthew Barney’s Cremaster 4 (1995), Ilya & Emilia Kabakov’s The Palace of Projects (1999), Michael Landy’s Break Down (2001), Jeremy Deller’s The Battle of Orgreave (2001), Francis Alÿs’s Seven Walks (2005), Roger Hiorns’ Seizure (2008-9), Susan Philipsz’s Surround Me (2010), Heiner Goebbels’ Stifter’s Dinge (2010-12), Ryoji Ikeda’s spectra (2014), INSIDE: Artists and Writers in Reading Prison (2016), Taryn Simon’s An Occupation of Loss (2018), Elizabeth Price’s SLOW DANS (2019) and Steve McQueen’s Year 3 project across London (2019-20). Cristina Iglesias’ Tres Aguas in Toledo, Spain was co-commissioned by Artangel and opened in 2014. Lingwood has curated exhibitions in museums around the world.

Adolfo Uriarte Villalba

Director de patrimonio Natural y Geólogo y oceanógrafo

BSc. In Geology, University of the Basque Country (Spain), Msc. and PhD. in Oceanography, University of Southampton (U.K.). Has lead and collaborated in many projects, both at national and international level being specialized in sedimentology and morphodynamics. Is author of multiple scientific and technical national and international publications, as well as of many technical reports and international congress presentations. At present leads the value assessment of the different technological assets developed within the organization, being responsible of the transference of technical and scientific knowledge to the private and public sectors. Is member of the Basque Environmental Advisory Council of the Basque Government , of the Committee of experts of the UNESCO Chair for the Reserve of Urdaibai and permanent member of the board of the Spanish Port and Coasts Engineers' Conference.


Penelope Curtis

Writer and arts administrator

Penelope Curtis is an art historian specialising in modern sculpture. She is the author of 'Patio & Pavilion: The place of sculpture in Modern Architecture' (Getty, 2008) and 'Vertical, Horizontal, Open, Closed: Sculpture' (Yale, 2017) as well as other monographs and texts for contemporary artists. She directed the Museum Calouste Gulbenkian and Tate Britain after creating the Henry Moore Institute as a centre for the study of sculpture in Leeds. She is currently a Visiting Professor at the National Gallery of Art, Washington.

Carlos Duarte

Biólogo y Oceanografo

Carlos Duarte is a distinguished professor of marine science at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) and Professor at the Arctic Research Center of the University of Aarhus (Denmark). His research focuses on studying marine biodiversity, its responses to the pressures caused by human activity and the steps needed to restore the abundance of marine life by the year 2050. Prof. Duarte is a world authority in different areas of biological oceanography and marine ecology, and was recently identified as the most-cited marine biologist in the world, at number 12 among the most influential climate scientists. He has published over 900 academic articles and won numerous awards, among them the 2020 Frontiers of Knowledge Prize for Conservation Ecology and Biology awarded by the BBVA foundation.

Russell Ferguson

UCLA, Chair

Russell Ferguson is a Professor in the Department of Art at the University of California, Los Angeles. He was previously Chief Curator at the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles. He has organized many exhibitions, including In Memory of My Feelings: Frank O’Hara and American Art and Perfect Likeness: Photography and Composition, as well as solo exhibitions by Francis Alys, Patty Chang, Douglas Gordon, Liz Larner, Larry Johnson, and Christian Marclay. With Kerry Brougher, he organized Damage Control: Art and Destruction since 1950.

Beatriz Herraez

Artium, Basque Museum of Contemporary Art, Directora

Art historian. Director of Artium, Basque Museum of Contemporary Art since December 2018. She has curated many group and monographic exhibitions, including those devoted to Moyra Davey, Gema Intxausti, Itziar Okariz, Julia Spínola, María Luisa Fernández, Susan Hiller, Erlea Maneros Zabala, Juan Luis Moraza and Néstor Sanmiguel Diest, held in venues and institutions such as Artium Museum (Vitoria-Gasteiz), MARCO (Vigo), MUSAC (Leon), Azkuna Zentroa (Bilbao), CCI Tabakalera (Donostia-San Sebastian), Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (Móstoles), Sculpture Centre (New York) and Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía MNCARS (Madrid). From 2007-2011, she held the position of chief curator at Montehermoso Kulturunea, a pioneering project in applying gender equality policies in the fields of contemporary art, thought and culture. She is also a member of the Advisory Council of Basque Country Museums and nominated member of the Etxepare Institute.

Asier Hilario Orus

Geoparkea / IUGS International Commission on Geoheritage, chair

Asier Hilario is a PhD geologist and scientific coordinator of the Basque Coast UNESCO Global Geopark. At present, he is the chair of the International commission on Geoheritage of the International Union of Geological Sciences. His man career is related to the communication of Earth sciences, assessment of geological heritage and Geotourism and development of Geoparks at a global scale. He is part of the Advisory committee of the European Geoparks Network, serves as a senior evaluator for UNESCO Global Geoparks programme and belongs to the scientific committee of the prestigious International Geosciences Programme (IGCP) which aims international cooperation based on geology and sustainable development.

Lisa Le Feuvre

Writer and Curator

Lisa Le Feuvre is a curator, writer, editor and public speaker. She is inaugural Executive Director of Holt/Smithson Foundation, an artist-endowed foundation dedicated to the creative legacies of the artists Nancy Holt (1938-2014) and Robert Smithson (1938-73). Between 2010 and 2017 Le Feuvre was Head of Sculpture Studies at the Henry Moore Institute, a part of the Henry Moore Foundation. Directing the research component of the largest artist-endowed foundation in Europe, she led a program of education, research, publications and exhibitions. Her curated exhibitions include Jiro Takamatsu: The Temperature of Sculpture, The Body Extended: Sculpture and Prosthetics, Gego: Line as Object, Katrina Palmer: The Necropolitan Line and The Event Sculpture, as well as editing the Institute’s journal Essays on Sculpture. Previously, Le Feuvre co-curated the quinquennial exhibition British Art Show 7.

James Lingwood

Artangel, Codirector y fundador

James Lingwood, Co-Director of Artangel with Michael Morris since 1991. Amongst over 100 Artangel projects produced over the past 30 or so years are Rachel Whiteread’s House (1993-94), Matthew Barney’s Cremaster 4 (1995), Ilya & Emilia Kabakov’s The Palace of Projects (1999), Michael Landy’s Break Down (2001), Jeremy Deller’s The Battle of Orgreave (2001), Francis Alÿs’s Seven Walks (2005), Roger Hiorns’ Seizure (2008-9), Susan Philipsz’s Surround Me (2010), Heiner Goebbels’ Stifter’s Dinge (2010-12), Ryoji Ikeda’s spectra (2014), INSIDE: Artists and Writers in Reading Prison (2016), Taryn Simon’s An Occupation of Loss (2018), Elizabeth Price’s SLOW DANS (2019) and Steve McQueen’s Year 3 project across London (2019-20). Cristina Iglesias’ Tres Aguas in Toledo, Spain was co-commissioned by Artangel and opened in 2014. Lingwood has curated exhibitions in museums around the world.

Adolfo Uriarte Villalba

Director de patrimonio Natural y Geólogo y oceanógrafo

BSc. In Geology, University of the Basque Country (Spain), Msc. and PhD. in Oceanography, University of Southampton (U.K.). Has lead and collaborated in many projects, both at national and international level being specialized in sedimentology and morphodynamics. Is author of multiple scientific and technical national and international publications, as well as of many technical reports and international congress presentations. At present leads the value assessment of the different technological assets developed within the organization, being responsible of the transference of technical and scientific knowledge to the private and public sectors. Is member of the Basque Environmental Advisory Council of the Basque Government , of the Committee of experts of the UNESCO Chair for the Reserve of Urdaibai and permanent member of the board of the Spanish Port and Coasts Engineers' Conference.

Manuel Soto Lopez

Professor of Cell Biology (UPV/ EHU, 2011). Deputy Director of Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology and Biotechnology (Plentzia Marine Station) in the University of the Basque Country (2012-). Researcher in the Consolidated Research Group Cell Biology in Environmental Toxicology (CBET). The CBET group develops since 1983 research and teaching activities within environmental toxicology. Pre and postdoctoral research studies in: Univ of Wales (Aberystwyth), Univ Innsbruck (Austria), Univ Azores (Portugal) and University of Wales (Cardiff). He has supervised 7 PhDs and 3 in progress. Interests on the development and application of biomarkers of effect against exposure to metals in aquatic and terrestrial organisms (earthworms, molluscs, polychaetes, fishes), cellular localization and quantification of metal ions, molecular probes in target cellular compartments, and the transit of metals (aqueous forms, massive forms and nanoparticles), plastics and other contaminants.

Registration fees

Face to faceUntil 20-05-2021
20,00 EUR
Live onlineUntil 20-05-2021Until 03-06-2021
- 20,00 EUR
- 0 EUR


Aquarium Donostia/San Sebastián

Plaza de Carlos Blasco Imaz 1, 20003 Donostia/San Sebastián



Aquarium Donostia/San Sebastián

Plaza de Carlos Blasco Imaz 1, 20003 Donostia/San Sebastián


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