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Open activity
Environmental exposure and brain development: what we know and upcoming challenges

Environmental exposure and brain development: what we know and upcoming challenges

05.Dec - 05. Dec, 2024 Cod. W17-24

~Open and free activity
~Palacio Miramar, San Sebastián or online

Lecture by Mónica Guxens, Doctor specialising in Preventive Medicine and Public Health

Conversations Environmental Framework Programme 2030


Greater air pollution and extreme temperatures affect brain development.

Increasing urbanisation worldwide means a rise in the number of people exposed to an urban environment meaning poorer air quality, more noisy environments and less access to natural spaces. We have shown in recent papers how air pollution and extreme temperatures have a negative impact on brain structure and function in childhood. Furthermore, we have noted that greater access to green spaces fosters optimum brain development, by partly reducing exposure to traffic noise. These findings pose new challenges, such as identifying the most likely toxicity periods in order to be able to implement efficient preventive measures and establish what the functional or clinical alterations are in the long term.

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Activity directed to

  • All public

Organised by

  • PMA2030
  • Eusko Jaurlaritza



12:30 - 13:45

“Exposiciones ambientales y desarrollo del cerebro: próximos retos“

  • Mònica Guxens Junyent | ISGlobal - Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona - ICREA Research Professor en ISGlobal

Eva Caballero kazetariak hizlariarekin elkarrizketa izango du hitzaldia amaitutakoan / La periodista Eva Caballero mantendrá un diálogo con la ponente una vez finalizada la conferencia


Mònica Guxens Junyent

ICREA Research Profesor, Barcelona Institute for Global Health

Mònica Guxens is a doctor specialising in Preventive Medicine and Public Health. She has been awarded several national competitive contracts (Río Hortega in 2008, Miguel Servet I in 2013, Miguel Servet II in 2018, ICREA Research Professor in 2024). In 2016, Mònica was the winner of the prestigious Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award of the Health Effects Institute (USA), in recognition of her exceptional track record and promising professional career. She has led different international and national projects, and actively been a co-researcher in others, building a profile of excellence and recognition nationally and internationally. She is the Director of the INMA Project, a birth cohort of Spain. She is an associate editor of the European Journal of Epidemiology. Mònica Guxens is an associate professor at Pompeu Fabra University and has supervised 15 PhD dissertations and 22 Master's theses.


Miramar Palace

Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián



Miramar Palace

Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián


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