Recalling the challenges of the past in addressing decarbonization
<p> Nowadays There are fifty-one billion tons of greenhouse gases in the world and by 2050 the goal is to reach zero net carbon emissions. </p>

The Executive Director of ECODES, Victor Viñuales, insists on the long-term view (2050) and the short- and medium-term (2030). Nowadays There are fifty-one billion tons of greenhouse gases in the world and by 2050 the goal is to reach zero net carbon emissions. Therefore, he recalls the request of scientists that the rhythms accelerate, and insists on the concept of fair transition and what it entails, the change of laws, technology, habits, customs, and values. In addition to this, he recalls the importance and the need to manage diverse talent properly. In this sense, he stresses the fact that we are faced with a complex issue with many variants and the difficult management of the triple agenda, also known as the economic, social, and environmental equation.
Juan José Ibarretxe, ex-lehendakari, confirms that the collapse forecast is prior to Rio 1992, it is something that was already known, and believes that the materialization of the transition requires school, education. Regarding this, he says that we have opted for skills and not for sensitivities, this must be modified. In the words of the former lehendakari: "Skills without sensitivity turn cruel." Although he claims to be positive and optimistic, he acknowledges that "Humanity is right after going down the wrong paths", and delves into the idea of conflict of interest, highlighting the importance of adding more militants and fewer believers. The former lehendakari talks about the need to generate models of trust.
Sara de la Rica, Professor of Economics at the University of the Baque Country, emphasizes that uncertainty is brutal. She adds that the transformation is going to be disruptive and that it will exacerbate inequality: "Society and the labor market are going to polarize”. She highlights "the role that we all must play and affects training, continuous learning, and the importance of managing talent and age well in companies; in short, the importance of taking care of the social capital that the company has”. Although she believes that we have lost technological leadership, she believes that we can lead social change.
Cristina Oyón, Director of SPRI's Technology, Innovation and Sustainability Area, is aware that we are not leaders in digitization, but she considers that there are other aspects in which we can be, and stresses the importance of working on leadership and the three factors of success: technology, innovation, and sustainability. She admits that Europe is not going at the speed she would like, that the existing dynamics are not ideal, they are in fact, very slow, being aware of what it costs to grease the entire system: speeches, policies, and instruments.
Jose Ignacio Hormaeche, General Director of the Energy Cluster of the Basque Country, tells us that the business community is convinced, society (apparently) also, and the scientific community clearly. Faced with this, he asks himself: What can go wrong? He responds by saying that we may not be able to do it at the rate that we should. He believes that we must get our priorities right, be clear about where to focus our efforts. In short, get our role right and bet well. He ends up influencing the great effort of social pedagogy that needs to be done.